They did so playing on fears of a slave insurrection and the other points listed above, but by winning the political debate they triggered a premature and irrevocable decision. Eleven states with declarations of secession from the Union formed the main part of the CSA. One tactic to be potentially used by the Republicans would have been the creation of smaller states in the West to drive up the number of sympathetic legislators in Congress. They were South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina. Members of this convention voted for sc to secede from the United States. Four days later, on May 20th, 1861, North Carolina became the last state to join the new Confederacy. Many Southerners wanted to end economic dependence on the North. The declaration also claims that secession was declared as a result of the refusal of free states to enforce the Fugitive Slave Acts. This state was the first to secede from the union. The most common belief is that the American Civil War was a war about slaves. It is also somewhat likely that Delaware and Maryland would have eventually seen themselves aligned with the Northern antislavery coalition. However, it's unfortunately more likely that they would have suppressed a large scale rebellion with massive loss of life to the blacks involved -- followed by who knows what. Since slavery tied the entire Southern economy to a very specific form of agriculture and away from industrial development, the system lacked the flexibility and adaptability of a true free market economy. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2012-2023 On Secret Hunt - All Rights Reserved The secession of South Carolina was followed by the secession of six more statesMississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texasand the threat of secession by four moreVirginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina. Lincoln claimed that they did not have that right. The South Secedes Crowds gathered in front of the Capitol building in Montgomery, Alabama, the day that the secession bill was passed. 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Even moderates and Democrats had little choice but to conclude that the South triggered the Civil War (especially after Fort Sumter). Which event had the biggest impact on the South seceding? In reference to the failure of the northern states to uphold the Fugitive Slave Act, South Carolina states the primary reason for its secession: The General Government, as the common agent, passed laws to carry into effect these stipulations of the States. Only one soldier had been killed at Fort Sumter, but the War Between the States would take an estimated toll of 700,000 American lives. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. South Carolina was the first to go after its secession convention voted to secede on December 20, 1860. This group wanted the West to be free so that they (and not the Southern planters) could prosper from it. The North experienced more immigration than the South. First of all, the human wealth represented by the slaves was vast -- almost $4 billion as of 1860 -- and would have only grown by the end of the 19th century. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". South Carolina seceded from the Union because for one the North's views on slavery. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. When did Mississippi secede from the United States? Would the slaves have remained independent like those of Haiti? The rupture of the Union had finally occurred, and the secession of South Carolina opened the floodgates as four more states from the Deep South quickly joined her. ET, the Confederate flag was removed from state property. 3 When did South Carolina secede from the Union? Lincoln had, over time, voiced strong objections to slavery, and his incoming administration was viewed as a threat to the right of the states to keep their institutions, particularly that of slavery, the business of the states. All of this is speculation, but there is no guarantee that the Republican coalition would have remained stable through the 1860s.2. The major issue that drove states to secession was slavery, but North Carolina's economy did not depend on slavery as much as the Deep South states did. the Northern states tolerated abolitionists and insurrectionists (such as John Brown) who incited slaves in the South to rebel. This idea was rejected in the 1850s and 60s, to what limited extent it was pursued. You just studied 20 terms! On January 9th, 1861, Mississippi joined South Carolina. Approximately 60% of the convention, or 104 members, owned as many as 20 enslaved people or more. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. And now the State of South Carolina having resumed her separate and equal place among nations, deems it due to herself, to the remaining United States of America, and to the nations of the world, that she should declare the immediate causes which have led to this act. The Secession Convention of that state produced a document entitled, "Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union". Months later, they began a war. What happened after South Carolina secede? The secession of South Carolina precipitated the outbreak of the American Civil War in Charleston Harbor on April 12, 1861. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Texas' move completed the first round of secession. While the seizure of a federal arsenal in John Brown's case made the intervention easy, would the same reaction have happened if 1,000 slaves rebelled? They seceded in April of 1861. Additionally, after the disaster of 1860 the Democrats might have been more inclined to run as a national party in 1864 or 1868. There was no army being mobilized to wage an impending war on the South. All of the states of the Deep South had now left the Union. The South, however, regarded slavery as crucial to its plantation economy, society and traditions. On December 17, 1860, the South Carolina legislature called for a convention to discuss whether that state would make the monumental decision to secede from the United States, becoming the first state to take such action. Henry Clay, The Great Compromiser, who stewarded the compromise tariff of 1833. In what state was the 1st major battle fought? A collapse in cotton production would surely have led to a collapse in slave values and land values, dealing a double-blow to the plantation class and probably leading to a calamity in the financial system. What are the 3 main causes of the Civil War? The state's leaders believed that Lincoln was hostile to slavery. Why did South Carolina secede from the Union? They seceded because they saw the ascendence of the Republican party as an existential threat to their preservation of slavery. They stated that the primary reason for Arkansas' secession was "hostility to the institution of African slavery" from the free states. Why did South Carolina secede from the union quizlet? On December 17, 1860, a convention of state leaders met in Columbia, the capital of South Carolina, to discuss secession. The South seceded because they did not want the North to be able to tell them what to do. These eleven states eventually formed the Confederate States of America. Southern plantation owners were likely the richest men in the world. Having proclaimed the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 null and void within its boundaries, South Carolina threatened to secede from the union if the federal government attempted to enforce the tariffs. Florida joined the secession ranks the next day on January 10th. 1. The South decided to secede for three reasons. Under any of these scenarios, a war like that from 1861-1865 killing 600,000 people and devastating the South seems beyond the worst-case scenario. What did president James Buchanan do in response to the secession of South Carolina? In his message, Buchanan said that he believed secession was illegal. There was remarkably little discussion of the real events taking place, the possibilities of war, the nature of the conflict, or the resources at their command. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The end of the Civil War in 1865 marked the official end to slavery (though emancipation wouldnt officially come until a few months later). For the Southern elite, seceding in December 1860 was akin to a football team walking off of the field because they were behind 10-3 in the second quarter. Millard Fillmore, a member of the Whig party, was the 13th President of the United States (1850-1853) and the last President not to be affiliated with either the Democratic or Republican parties. If the movie Lincoln has shown the difficulties of passing the 13th Amendment in 1865, after four years of insurrection, it is very hard to imagine the same legislation passing with a full Southern contingent in Congress, going through the motions of the democratic process. In other words, secession in 1860 was an extremely preemptive move for the Confederate states to take. The Great Mistake - Why Did the South Secede in 1860? As early as 1835, when the postmaster in Charleston, South Carolina, found abolitionist material in the mail, he refused to deliver it and it was burned in public on a bonfire. Of course, there is always the chance that the Civil War would have simply happened at this point in the 1880s, much as it actually happened in the 1860s. Eventually the radicals were defeated. Fort Sumter on an island in Charleston harbour was under federal government control. There were convinced unionists in all the southern states, but the prevailing opinion was that the prospect of the sudden liberation of four million negroes was a nightmare. He demanded that the federal troops leave Fort Sumter. Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana followed in January, and Texas voted to secede on February 1, 1861still more than a month before Lincoln was actually inaugurated. From the perspective of the Southern planters, it's hard to tell what would have happened in this scenario, but it is possible that the end result would have been far worse for them than the sharecropping system that eventually developed after the Civil War. Which event had the biggest impact on the South seceding? We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. What was South Africa's apartheid policy? At the infamous Secession Ball in South Carolina, hosted in December by the Sons of Confederate Veterans, "the main reasons for secession were portrayed as high tariffs and Northern states. Had it occurred in the context of a slave economy, the financial damage would likely have been even worse. Republicans wanted to stop slavery from spreading. how did southern leaders justify secession? The troubles also showed Pierce to be an ineffective president. The South Carolina General Assembly called for a convention to consider secession following news of Lincoln's victory. South Carolina withdrew from the United States on December 20, 1860. Or perhaps the defeat of the South would have happened much more quickly in this scenario, without the attendant scars to the economy and the Southern psyche that were actually in place by 1865. With a unanimous vote of . It is estimated that some 650,000 Africans were exported to what is now the United States between the 16th century and the British abolition of the slave trade in 1807. Conclusion. Why Did The Americans Win The Election Of 1860. State delegates met in Raleigh and voted unanimously for secession. The southern states believed that they had the right to secede from the Union if they so chose, just as the original colonies had the right to secede from Great Britain. Scenario #3 below will examine this "alternative" late 19th century in more detail. After the collapse of the Confederacy in 1865, South Carolina underwent Reconstruction from 1865 to 1877. The escalating controversy over the expansion of slavery into the territory acquired from Mexico prompted South Carolina's secession crisis of 1850 - 51. free blacks) and using their votes to support anti-slavery policies. For all that, South Carolina had no intention of remaining a separate country. The Civil War was by far the most catastrophic event to ever happen in the American South. As the two locales evolved separately and as their differing geographies and inhabitants steered contrasting courses, calls for a formal split emerged. Similarly, when South Carolina's leaders promoted secession in 1860, they considered themselves the political heirs of the men of 1776. Would there have been a Democratic or a Republican President at the time of the revolt? Although South Carolinians played a major role in the creation of the new federal Constitution, there were those in the state . This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. They had supported the. Speculating on alternative history is always problematic, but I believe that it's useful in this case for the purposes of showing just how bad of an idea secession really was for the South in 1860. He carried all the northern states except New Jersey and his triumph convinced politicians in the South that slavery would soon be banned by an amendment to the constitution. Why did South Carolina secede from the Union? Since South Carolina was the catalyst, we will start there. In any case, I have used the four hypotheticals above to reiterate the point that secession was a gross strategic error. South Carolina Secedes Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Clearly and undoubtedly, South Carolina identified the failure of northern states to abide by the national Fugitive Slave Act as the primary motivating factor for secession, especially given the recent (1860) rise to power of a political party committed to keeping the national territories free of slavery. Seven states South Carolina , Georgia , Florida , Alabama , Mississippi , Louisiana , and Texasleft the Union before Lincoln took office. Without the intransigence of the South in 1860, there may still have been enough voices for compromise to ensure a more orderly system of emancipation. It was quickly followed up by the State House of Representatives giving a final approval in a 94-20 vote. It is also true that an abolitionist wing of the Republicans did support an immediate end to slavery. Copyright 2023 History Today Ltd. Company no. Which Southern states were the last to secede? Feared Northern interference in Southern affairs (not justwith slavery). Score: 4.5/5 (30 votes) . Bill Murray lives in Charleston and is frequently seen around town. Why did the South finally secede in November 1860? Why did South Carolina want to secede from USA in the 1830's? There were several United States forts in and around the Port of Charleston. What are some examples of how providers can receive incentives? That same day, the Confederate Congress voted to move the capital to Richmond, Virginia. South Carolina seceded from the Union because for one the Norths views on slavery. The state governor, William H. Gist, was determined on secession. The convention adopted several resolutions explaining why the state was declaring secession. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Delegates voted 84 to 15 to secede from the Union. What was one reason South Carolina gave for its decision to secede? Your email address will not be published. On May 16th, the Confederate Congress authorized the recruiting of 400,000 volunteers. You just studied 20 terms! Four others did not declare for secession until after the Battle of Fort Sumter and were briefly considered to be border states: Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina and Tennessee joined the Confederacy and both sides organised their armies. For the purposes of this article, let's stipulate that the preservation of slavery and the plantation economy was the primary objective in seceding from the United States. It is likely that it's death knell would have finally occurred around that point due to the decline of the cotton economy itself. Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds were married in Mount Pleasant in September 2012. At the first sign of such overtures, the abolitionists might have withdrawn from the Republicans and formed a new Liberty Party. When Carolinians rebelled in the 1770s, they hearkened back to the events of 1719. Cotton remained a highly in-demand crop in the North and in Great Britain.3 There is no reason to suspect that this would have changed in the immediate years after 1860. What would cause the greatest harm to the health of someone with AIDS? Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Why did the South secede from the Union in 1860? There was no immediate proposal to abolish slavery, the Democrats still had enough political muscle to obstruct such attempts, and there was still a large faction of the North that opposed taking any drastic action on slavery. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Why did South Carolina seceded from the union? South Carolina was the first of 11 states to secede at the beginning of the Civil War. Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia? Why did South Carolinians believe they had the right to secede from the Union? If that was the point of secession, then the strategy was an obvious disaster. Many northern whites, while in no doubt of their superiority to negroes, grew ashamed of slavery and wanted it to stop altogether. Log in with a Google or Facebook account to save game/trivia results, or to receive optional email updates. South Carolina became the first state to secede from the federal Union on December 20, 1860. A substantial slave insurrection takes hold somewhere in the Deep South. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. A Critical Perspective. Jefferson Davis of Mississippi was president and the new Confederacy took care to appoint a secretary of war. He stated that a consequence of the Missouri Compromise may be the division of this union and a civil war.. States with declarations of secession from the federal Union on December 20, 1860 knell... State & # x27 ; s leaders believed that Lincoln was hostile to slavery a or! The Republicans did support an immediate end to slavery want to secede the! In 1865, South Carolina was the catalyst, we will start there tell them what to do showed to! 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