NOTE: Old Lobbies will be phased out once Server Lobbies are stable. Now you can choose to use the gear icon to set custom controls for player 2, Character Select: The gear icon is now visible in Training Mode, Custom Controls: Escape will now exit the popup without saving changes, Gamepad: Added logic to support Razer Panthera fightsticks when set to DP (it no longer works in LS), Character Select: Fixed bug where the gear button wouldn't work under certain circumstances, Gamepad: Add limited gamepad support for the Introduction menus, Gamepad: Plugging in a new controller at any menu will open the button select menu, Local Versus: Added a new gears icon next to Mods that allows you to open the Custom Controls menu without a mouse, Mouse: The mouse cursor will now autohide after 5 seconds of not moving, Mouse: A hidden cursor won't force the menu to stick to a button the way it normally does, Desktop: Fixed bug where replay links were invalid, Replays: Added LOAD REPLAY submenu where you can load replays on Desktop / without restarting the game, Menu: Fixed bug where using the ENTER key to submit a text form (eg Join Lobby) could sometimes temporarily lock out controller/keyboard input if you stayed in the menu, Gameplay: The controls reminder at the bottom of the screen will autohide if you have customized your controls, Local Versus: You can now select skins you haven't unlocked, like Training Mode, Character Select: For game modes were you can select all skins (Local Versus, Training Mode), the skins you haven't unlocked yet now have a little lock icon (they are still pickable), Modding: Updated docs with the new SFX ids, Gameplay: Throw animation on hit increased by 5 frames, to give the new sounds more room to breathe, Sound: Added and re-arranged the sound effects for all characters, Sound: Common attacks like Light and Heavy have a pool of 2-5 similar sounds that are played at random, Sound: Jump, Throw, and Special attacks each have a single, distinct sound cue, Sound: Attacks are no longer randomly silent, they will always make a noise, Sound: Added sound effects when you gain a bar of meter, Animation: Added visual effects when you gain a bar of meter, Animation: Ghost Onion has been reworked to make the legs more visible during Sweep, Animation: Noodle's shoes have been recolored for the Pistachio, Strawberry, and Plaid skins, Removed Halloween Patch. dmg: 4c, 4c, 4c, 4c, 4c, 4c, etc. Armored attacks are back to beating throws during active frames, Modding: Fixed bug introduced in 0.97.0 where Onion and Garlic mods with projectiles wouldn't load, Animation: Onion has been fully animated and polished, Animation: Onion has new options for alternate colors, Modding: Onion mods made before engine 16 will be upgraded to use new sprites, Lobbies: Added support for setting a "Nickname". Lastly, unrelated to these parry changes, Sneak has been given a little chip to make it more viable at high level play as an option, and to encourage players to more proactively try to anti-air it. They still check for "clashing" with their hitboxes, like before, Modding: AttackConfig.impactAutoCorrect added. This is a nerf when done raw, but a buff when used to end a combo. Lastly, Garlic buff is a correction, partially undoing the 0.41.0 nerf that went too far. > The goal is to make mobile controls feel more responsive. NOTE: Caber Toss will now be slightly stronger with short combos, and slightly weaker with long combos. Playing a Ranked Match as Onion won't affect your Beef rank, Each character starts out Unranked. They will be left with 1 health, Gameplay: Chip damage has been added to Grounder, Frenzy, Teleport, Palm, BEEFCAKE, Chop, Roundhouse, Hopkick, and Sneak, Gameplay: Walking forward now gains a small amount of meter (based on time walking, not distance), Buffed Garlic: Sneak damage increased 40 > 60, Frame Data: Fixed bug where Grounder info was incomplete, Modding: Fixed bug where FrameConfig.meterGain was not halved during a RAPID combo like other meterGain, Modding: Blue life is still supported in the game engine, but will be removed soon. @ArmaniAdnr lmao wtf? Gunion mod made by Cynical in the Tough Love Arena discord: Tough Love Arena is a web-based, indie fighting game with rollback netcode that's 100% free to play.. Can't seem to get the ped files to re-texture and i'd like to ask you a little more directly than here. This is shown by the combo counter turning purple, Nerfed Noodle: Frenzy reverted to normal damage scaling, does 200 damage raw. Please test out Server Lobbies and tell us your experience! A new helpful error message has been added, Modding: Fixed bug where leaving tumble.dx/dy undefined would break the renderer, Desktop: Fixed bug where the new YAML data files weren't loading, Patch Notes: Added error handling so that if changelog.yaml doesn't load, the game doesn't lock up, Hall of Fame: Added error handling so that if tournaments.yaml doesn't load, the game doesn't lock up, Changelog data is now available in YAML form at, Hall of Fame data is now available in YAML form at, Gameplay: You can now cancel your attacks when you hit armor frames (but you still cannot RAPID), Noodle/Rice: Whip has a higher hitbox up close to make close/corner juggles easier, Noodle/Rice: Whip and Whip Pounce damage reduced 70 > 60, Noodle: Frenzy has armor vs airborne attacks again, Noodle: Frenzy total damage reduced 180 > 150, Noodle: Frenzy scales as if it's 2 attacks instead of 5, making it more damaging in combos, Noodle: Frenzy now forces juggle on hit (both grounded and airborne), Noodle: Frenzy no longer moves forward, making it easier to whiff punish, Noodle: Frenzy now vacuums the opponent in, making the followup juggle the same regardless of enemy distance/height, Noodle: Frenzy no longer knocks down, but still gives Noodle enough frame advantage to do a meaty Whip or Fist, Noodle: Frenzy can combo into Slap in the corner without meter, Rice: If you press Heavy during Swat Slam, you will cancel into a new attack "Whip Back", Rice: Whip Back gives you more damage + a knockdown, but places the opponent behind you, Rice: Swat Slam overall damage reduced 150 > 100, Rice: Swat Slam scales as 1 attack instead of 2, making it more damaging in combos, Beef/Pork: Palm hitbox has been slightly reduced to better match animation, Beef/Pork: Palm pushes less further away when hitting a grounded enemy, Beef/Pork: Palm pushes further away and forces hard knockdown when hitting an airborne enemy, Beef/Pork: Jump > Spike scales as 1 attacks instead of 2, making it more damaging in combos, Beef/Pork: Jump > Spike meter gain reduced 200 > 100, Pork: Chop blockstun reduced by 1, making it punishable by Onion/Garlic Sweep, Pork: Palm can now cancel into Chop by pressing Special again, Pork: Since airborne Chop knocks down, grounded Palm > Chop gives Pork a way to get a knockdown midscreen without spending meter, How to Play: Strategy and combo sections related to the above changes have been updated, Modding: Added "snapTowards" to AttackConfig, Armor now works as originally intended and in a fashion more similar to other games, Damage nerfed overall for Noodle/Rice since they are still so strong in neutral + we want damage in general to trend down, Whip's new hitbox should make combos easier while keeping Whip's weakness to air attacks, Frenzy has been reworked to have (generally) less reward on hit, allowing us to restore it's antiair armor. checking SequenceIds and invalid types) will only run in the ModMenu, and not when loading mods. If you have a previous version installed, replace it with the new one. should wait to see if the game progresses further in development. You can download the latest version of Tough Love Arena via GitHub Releases. All creations copyright of the creators. and buffs the overall damage of Rice's meterless antiair, Simplified Swat and Spike to function as 1 attack (1 scaling, 100 meter, etc), Palm hard knockdown gives more options for how to end certain midscreen combos and prevents an issue with the new Chop cancel, Palm > Chop lets Pork confirm a grounded combo into meterless oki at the cost of damage, Chop's travel distance increased to make Palm > Chop hit reliably, Lobbies: You can now create and join a lobby without logging in, Lobbies: If you are not logged in, you will be assigned a temporary account in the form of "Anonymous (noun) #1234", Lobbies: You can now share a direct link to a Lobby by clicking on the Lobby ID, Lobbies: The Lobby view has been slightly restyled to make more room for user names, Private Match: The format of the direct link has been changed from "pm=" to "join=", How to Play: Combined the two intro screens into one to improve the first time player experience, Training: Fixed bug where BURST - ALWAYS wouldn't trigger sometimes, Maintenance: Refactored projectile state tracking and loading in prep for upcoming engine changes, Modding: now tracks correctly instead of being forced to the character's center.y, Lobbies: Optimized client memory usage when loading mods, Minigame: Fixed issue caused by user-set controls conflicting with the default puzzle controls (Arrow Keys), Online: Updated network code to more aggressively detect and correct desyncs caused by packet loss, Replays: Shrunk the size of the portrait to better fit on certain screens, Replays: Removed the character name if the player tag is present (now you can refer to the portrait), Menu: Added (no music) option to the music box in the top right, Menu: Set the music box to a fixed width for more consistent design, Menu: You can click the left music note in the music box to go backwards in the track playlist (clicking anywhere else is forward), Online: Fixed input boxes expecting numbers (PM and Lobby codes) to only allow numbers for easier copy/paste, Frame Data: Moved up a menu layer to Extras, Debug Tools: Added new submenu Debug Tools under Advanced Extras, Debug Tools: Added ability to save and load replay dumps for easy sharing, Maintenance: Updated development scripts and dependencies, Replays: Added character portraits to the Replay Menu, Replays: When viewing the menu, the winner is now indicated with a ring around the portrait, Menu: Added the music changer from Lobbies to the top right of most menus (disabled on mobile), Menu: Clicking the version box in the bottom left will open the status page (disabled on mobile), Lobbies: Anyone can now copy the Lobby Id to clipboard by click on the ID in the top left, Options: Added "Custom Controls" option at the top when on Desktop, Options: Fixed scrolling issues when navigating with keyboard/gamepad, Modding: Added Random button to the bottom of mod select when there are 2+ mods uploaded, Modding: Fixed scrolling issues when navigating the mod select with keyboard/gamepad, Sound: Added sound effects for RAPID, BURST, and REJECTION, Sound: Added new sound effect for when you fill a bar of LOVE meter, Modding: Fixed all instances of "hopkick_0003b" and similar sprites to no longer have the "b" suffix, Modding: All old mods and references to hopkick_XXXXb should by fixed by the engine 11 update, Modding: RAPID, BURST, and REJECTION should get their new SFX added by the engine 11 update, Modding: Added the new SFX ids to the mod docs, Maintenance: Cleaned up unused assets and dependencies, Modding: For security/safety reasons, mod file formats have been changed from .js to .zip, Modding: You can no longer load your old .js files directly into Versus or Lobbies, you can only load .zip, Modding: You can still load old or incomplete mod files via the Modding menu and then use Save or the new Bulk Updater to get the new .zip format, Modding: Added button to download mods while in Versus and Lobbies, Modding: The default naming scheme for Mod files has been improved, Modding: Improved error handling and messaging when uploading invalid mods to Versus or Lobbies, Modding: Error popups are no longer strangely huge, Desktop: Removed old, unused Pork sprites, Hall of Fame: Added link to Birthday Tournament VOD, Gameplay: REJECTION now has 10 frames of hitstop (you can feel the impact better), Gameplay: Meter gained when your attack is blocked reduced 100 > 80, Buffed Pork: Caber Toss damage increased 10 > 80, Nerfed Pork: Caber Toss damage scaling increased 1 > 3, Nerfed Onion/Garlic: Sweep damage reduced 80 > 70, Nerfed Onion/Garlic: Roundhouse damage reduced 90 > 80, Nerfed Onion: Hopkick damage reduced 100 > 90, Modding: Added "hitstop" to AttackConfig, see docs for more info. Cookie Notice Please keep copies of your local mod files, Nerfed Beef: Reduced meter gain on whiffed Flex 200 > 100, Menu: Improved active player count tracking. Hopkick has been changed to a grounded attack to make the Noodle/Rice matchups less swingy. This only affects attacks with armor. Builder like the Los Angeles, so he chose to restore it. 2022, Training: Added a new recording option that only starts when you attack, to make testing reversals easier. Spike was buffed to make it more appealing as a combo ender, Pork has the same Palm and Spike changes as Beef. projectiles) while being thrown, Training: StunPhase (if present) is displayed as text on hitboxes and hurtboxes, Modding: AttackConfig.stunPhase added (only hits opponents in the matching phase), Modding: AttackConfig.setStunPhase added (sets the opponent's phase, making them only hittable by attacks with the same phase), Animation: Successful parries now show a small block impact where the hit was parried, Buffed Beef: Flex can now parry projectiles, Nerfed Beef: Extended hurtboxes during BEEFCAKE recovery to make whiff punishing it easier, Buffed Onion: Feint can now parry projectiles, When Beef and Onion parry projectiles, the followup attack does not freeze the opponent like a normal parry, Gameplay: Fixed bug where the extended hurtboxes during Onion/Garlic's Sweep were throwable, Pause Menu: Custom Controls updated during Gameplay will now take effect immediately, Pause Menu: Custom Controls now shows both P1 and P2 when opened from Training Mode, Gameplay: Throw recovery on whiff decreased 20 > 10 frames, Buffed Pork: Caber Toss recovery on whiff decreased 20 > 10 frames, How to Play: Fixed outdated instructions for RAPID/BURST/REJECTION, Added 4th button: the Throw button! We have removed this RAPID option to make armor frames more closely match parry frames: if you guess right, the opponent cannot escape, > Pork's Chop armor have been moved earlier so they can armor out of 2 light attacks when done back-to-back, Fixed gameplay bug where you could KO during Tutorials, Fixed UI bug where the transition of Character Select > Loading would lag, making the Character Select screen seem unresponsive, Fixed UI bug where menu buttons were too large in Training Mode > Character Select, Fixed rare network bug when it tried to reconnect to the Replay database, Fixed gameplay bug where Caber Toss played its sound clip twice, Buffed BURST: Hitbox is slightly taller, making it easier to hit when getting juggled, Changed Garlic: Sneak now appears slightly lower, Added more emotes: Rematch, LastOne, Nice, Oops, Yeh, Nah, Lag, Fixed gameplay bug where Hopkick > Roundhouse was missing pushboxes for a few frames, Updated stage selection to possibly default to Notebook (before, Notebook was choosable, but never the default choice), Added launch values to the hitstun column in Frame Data Menu, Nerfed Beef: Lemon hitstun reduced 44 > 40, Nerfed Beef: Lemon blockstun reduced 44 > 32, Fixed Lemon and Swat cancels to be marked as Recovery frames (vs Startup frames) so you can now punish them with throws, NOTES: With the recent addition of "Indecisive Lemon" (aka empty cancel), we are trying to change Lemon from a high risk, high reward move to something that more actively shapes Beef's neutral. It's simple, stays in the spirit of throws (they only work on blocking), and fixes the difficult scenario of consistently avoiding Caber Toss (just hold forward), Throw ranges: These been expanded in proportion to walk speed. -4c made teleport much stronger. Tough Love Arena; April 23, 2022 at 2:00 PM EDT Check in at Tutup Organized by Tough Love Arena Tournies. Longer combos can still be bursted, Training: With hitboxes on, you can now see how many juggle points remain during a combo, Debug Tools: Fixed issue with inner menu navigation, Options: Removed "Unload Stale Sprites" until it can be further tested and debugged, Debug Tools: Merged public and private debug tools into one ugly menu, Buffed Beef/Pork: Palm disadvantage on block decreased -9 > -8, Nerfed Beef/Pork: Reverted 0.83.0 buff that made Jump > Spike scale as 1 hit, now it's back to 2, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Increased the juggle height when Slap anti-airs to make hitting with both Slaps less likely, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Getting hit inbetween the two attacks of Slap no longer registers as a counterhit, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Whip hitbox is now uniformly taller, making juggles easier and removing the "sweet spot" at the end, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Whip Splash startup reduced by 3 frames (makes Slap > Whip Splash juggles more reliable), Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Reduced horizontal range of Slap's first hitbox by 17%, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Reverted 0.91.0 buff to horizontal range of Slap's second hitbox, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Reverted 0.91.0 buff to Slap's pushback, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Slap's total animation is slightly longer, making it easier to whiff punish, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Reduced cancel window of Slap's second hit 8 > 6 frames, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Reduced cancel window of Whip Pounce 8 > 6 frames, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Increased recovery of Whip Pounce by 5 frames. Animation: Pork has been fully animated and polished, Animation: Pork has new options for alternate colors, Modding: Pork mods made before engine 9 will be upgraded to use new sprites, Modding: Fixed bug where leaving attack.damage undefined would result in game breaking behavior when the attack is armored, Mobile: Fixed bug where you could not type in a handful of menus, Mobile: Fixed bug where holding down a button could accidentally highlight the screen, Menu: Overhauled system for preventing / enabling highlighting and selection, Loading: Added placeholder 404 image to handle rare crashes caused by canvas rendering before the image is loaded, Mobile: Fixed bug where the game would freeze the first time it was started, Mobile: Fixed bug where the user could accidentally highlight the hidden crash-screen text while playing, Loading: Fixed error message to be more readable, Welcome: Shortened the wait for the splash screen by prioritizing what to load first, Loading: Added automatic retry mechanism to all image loading. Changed armor: You can no longer cancel your attack if you hit armor frames, Buffed Pork: Chop grounded armor starts on frame 5, versus frame 6, Nerfed Onion/Garlic: Sweep hurtbox is now full height (it no longer low-profiles), Nerfed Onion: Hopkick can no longer cancel into Roundhouse, Adjusted Onion/Garlic: Jump arc is slightly lower, Adjusted Pork: Caper Toss throw animation to better match normal throws, NOTES: With light attacks being positive on attack, certain pressure sequences became a little too strong. What is the mods status ? Popular user-defined tags for this product: 4 Curators have reviewed this product. Sign in to see reasons why you may or may not like this based on your games, friends, and curators you follow. Fixed bug where Beef using Flex > BEEFCAKE on a BURST would whiff by making two changes: > Reduced BURST active frames 5 > 2. This project is built in Minecraft PE, So the tallest building is only about 120 meters. NOTE: We want to keep Pork's 50/50 traps, but slightly reduce the frequency. Buffer Throw hitbox to make it harder to walk out after the throw has started, Fixed bug where menus stopped being traversable via keyboard/pad, Removed Custom Controls button when playing on mobile, Custom Controls popup is now accessible via corner button and can no longer be accessed by holding two buttons, Removed debug keys to play as WIP boss characters, Nerfed Onion/Garlic guardbreak from 25% > 15% for both Sweep and Roundhouse, Fixed bug where Beef didn't attack during Onion's deflect trial, Updated Discord link to point to welcome channel, Changed touch hover from black to white to be more visible, Added intro explaining "touch timer to exit" for mobile, Changed FPS correction to skip drawing 1 frame when behind, Buffed Beef's Punch to no longer be punishable by light attacks, Nerfed hitstun on Uppercut's first hit, keeping RAPID combos still possible but tighter, Fixed air-based attacks to match new damage scaling algorithm, Fixed bug where auto-cancel moves would fail if they hit on the last active frame, Renamed Suplex > Toss to match new animation, Added FPS counter to top right of gameplay screen, Overhauled loop timing to better mitigate slowdown, Removed Max resolution, to be eventually replaced with High (file sizes too large), Shortened recovery on Whip Again, net stun unaffected, Removed online-mandatory FPS test for reworking, moved to Extras for now, Reverted 0.34.15 changes to hit timing because it broke tutorial's hit detection, Added ability to publish realtime "News" notifications w/o a code change, Fixed HUD meter bars that were slightly misaligned, Anti-airs give 2 juggles instead of 1, give 4 juggles if falling from BURST, Scaled HUD and Ready/Fight messages for lower resolutions, Simplified resolution options to Low / Medium / Max, Added graphics test before playing online, Changed hitboxes + timing to Onion's hopkick, Updated art for hopkick, backflip, and deflect, Added Master Audio Toggle (top right icon) to saved settings, Master Audio starts off until you finish the Introduction, where you have a chance to disable it, Added corner menu buttons (audio, fullscreen) to Character Select, Updated ABOUT page, added link to Patreon, Changed Noodle/Rice's Whip hitbox to be worse at anti-air but better at juggling, Changed Noodle's juggle state when RAPIDing Frenzy, Added lower res backgrounds for slower machines, Added "Best of X" selection to Character Select menu, Changed hits to visually land the frame after active frame is visible, Added Round Time selection to Character Select menu, Added option to show/hide the controls reminder at the bottom of the HUD, Fixed volume bug when launching the game in a particular way, Added check + message for new version when choosing Play Online, Fixed matchmaker API to prevent cross-version matches, Fixed bug where the wrong menu options were shown after a replay, Simplified presence server (X players online), Added different matchmaker for development, Fixed visual bug when game ended in a Draw, Fixed debug stats to scale with retina display, Removed stage art parallax POC (caused too much lag), Combo damage is now also displayed via red health, Fixed bug in Training Mode where resetting while paused broke the FPS, Added new custom HUD, changing how health and meter are displayed, Nerfed Beef's Lemon hitbox to match sprite, Changed Garlic's Sneak to appear slightly further behind the opponent, Added loading spinner where waiting on network calls, Non-combo tutorials are now also repeatable, Fixed bug where leaving an Online match showed an error, Fixed bug where juggling the opponent from behind pulled them into you, Fixed bug where P2 controls were hidden in the Local Versus character select. 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